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  • Are you a pick-your-own orchard?
    We are not a pick-your-own orchard. Not that we don't love pick-your-own's ourselves, but our orchard isn't really designed to be one.
  • Is the orchard dog friendly?
    Yes! You are welcome to bring your dog (or cat for that matter) to Applecrest Orchards but we do require that you keep Max or Whiskers on a leash at all times, and clean up after them. If you have forgotten the all important poop bags, just ask at the store.
  • May I order apples and other orchard store goods in advance?
    Yes you can! We will be taking orders for all in-stock apples and other products that can be picked up either at our store or at either the White Bear Farmers Market on Fridays or the Stillwater Farmers Market on Saturdays.
  • I would like to take professional photographs at the orchard, is that ok?"
    If you are here on a professional capacity, you need to phone our office and make arrangements and there is a small fee for using our orchard for professional photography.
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Applecrest Orchards

7306 24th Ave N

Hugo, Minnesota





* 2024 Season Hours *

Wed - Fri        4pm - 7pm

Weekends   10am - 6pm


August 31st  - November 3rd

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© 2024

by Applecrest Orchards.

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